Automotive gadgets for the road – our TOP10

Automotive gadgets for the road – our TOP10

To the auto
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Long car journeys can very quickly turn into inhumane torture. Especially if you do not have a vehicle that meets the most sophisticated standards of comfort. In this article we will bring you our list of ten most useful automotive gadgets.

Inspector Gadget

As drivers, we divide car accessories into two categories – those that we already have and those that we will have. However, it is extremely hard to choose the most practical gadgets from the maze of accessories produced by different brands. It also happens that we are not aware of the existence of those of them, which in an unbelievable way can affect the quality of time spent on long routes or car trips. That’s why today I will present you with a mix of obvious and not-so-obvious automotive gadgets. Here we go!

Car cushions

Car cushions are usually in the shape of a classic croissant. It is simple in design, inexpensive and extremely useful piece of vehicle equipment. It is a rule that these airbags quickly become an indispensable element used by passengers during longer trips. It is a small detail that will greatly improve the comfort of the travelers – including the driver

Pet covers and mats

If you often take your family’s best friend on a road trip, then you should definitely get pet covers and mats. These come in handy for basic hygiene and safety. The great thing about this solution is the ease with which you can unfold this accessory. The covers and mats will save you hours of cleaning and vacuuming the seats from fur.

Sun cover

Summer is a busy time for vehicle owners, and as you know, vacations also mean high temperatures. With this practical gadget you can easily protect your vehicle from the scorching rays of the sun, which in just a few seconds can turn the cabin into a veritable hell on earth. Shade is extremely hard to come by, especially since these are the most popular parking spots – we can’t count on fate smiling down on us everywhere.

Moisture absorber

This small gadget will positively influence your travels during autumn and winter aura. Ubiquitous moisture gets inside the car together with your passengers – evaporating it settles on the windows and soaks into the upholstery. Small sachets will catch moisture from the car interior and improve the comfort of driving


An organizer is one of the most practical automotive accessories on our list. They are especially useful during business trips. Every driver should get a good quality organizer

GPS locator

The GPS locator would not be the pride of Inspector Gadget himself. Although it is a tool which can be easily put into surveillance category, it is not something you can pass by indifferently. The locator will prove useful in many situations – especially during attempts to steal your four-wheelers

Hands-free car kits

Not every car is equipped with a suitable and functioning hands-free car kit. And we must admit that it is a very useful gadget, which apart from its practicality also improves our safety and that of other road users. Using the Bluetooth module you can easily pair your smartphone with the handsfree system – from then on your device will automatically connect with this accessory when getting into the vehicle

HUD Display

HUD display is another futuristic add-on on our TOP10 list. It will improve your comfort while driving by relieving you from having to take your eyes off the road to check the speed of your car

Massaging mat for a car

Definite favorite of the list in terms of comfort. This gadget is especially useful for professional drivers who spend most of their lives behind the wheel. From now on, you won’t have to use the services of specialists or buy high-end cars.

Car inverter

A car inverter is an essential gadget that allows you to charge and use various electrical devices. This device plugs into your car’s power system, making it capable of changing 12V to 230V, which supports most of the more advanced electrical devices

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