Tag - car accessories

Modern car keys – what do they allow you to do?
Modern car keys – what do they allow you to do?

Wondering what capabilities car keys from modern vehicles have? Then check out our overview and learn all about it!

Engine swap – what do you need to have in your garage to perform it?
Engine swap – what do you need to have in your garage to perform it?

Wondering how to do an engine swap, and what you need to do it? Check out our guide and find out what equipment you need to have in your garage to perform an engine swap.

Modern combustion mitigation systems – what do engineers propose?
Modern combustion mitigation systems – what do engineers propose?

Are there ways to reduce combustion? Learn about innovative systems and designs that will save you money on fuel as well as the environment

TOP 10 – these brands bet on future design
TOP 10 – these brands bet on future design

Wondering what shape the cars of the future will take? These corporations are outdoing themselves with ideas for eye-catching futuristic designs! Check out the reality you’ll have to get used to!

How does tuning affect combustion? We check!
How does tuning affect combustion? We check!

Many drivers want to significantly reduce the combustion in their cars. Can this be achieved through tuning? We suggest how it works.

The electric motor of the future – what range might it have?
The electric motor of the future – what range might it have?

Electric cars are an increasingly popular segment that has many drivers curious. What range do current models have and what are the predictions for the future?

Tires that will make driving easier in the future
Tires that will make driving easier in the future

Business is changing – comfort, ecology and innovation are becoming more and more important. This makes mass, cheap and not very environmentally friendly solutions a thing of the past.

Adaptive driving lights – how to use them?
Adaptive driving lights – how to use them?

The Adaptive High Beam System is a relatively new equipment addition to the latest generation of cars, but using it can make a positive difference in traffic accidents. How does AHS work?

Car inverter – what parameters should it have?
Car inverter – what parameters should it have?

Do you often go on business trips and plan to buy an inverter for your car? Check what parameters an inverter should have and choose the best model to make your work easier

Belt cutter – is it worth having in the car?
Belt cutter – is it worth having in the car?

Seat belts protect from the effects of an accident, but can be a hindrance when pulling the injured from the wreckage. A special knife is used to cut them, and the fire department, among others, is equipped with it. But is it worth to carry it in the car?

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Don’t be fooled by appearances, aftermarket aerodynamic components can significantly change the look of your car
Don’t be fooled by appearances, aftermarket aerodynamic components can significantly change the look of your car
Aerodynamic components will likely be the first thing your car enthusiast friends mention when they see your new ride, and they’re right to do so: aftermarket aerodynamic components can significantly change the appearance of your car, from the front to the back to all sides in between. But with hundreds of aerodynamic components on the market, it can be difficult to choose which ones are right for you and your car.
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