Tag - car speakers

Does the appearance of the speaker in your car matter? Check out
Does the appearance of the speaker in your car matter? Check out

Car speakers that look impressive and sound great. Which products are worth paying attention to? What parameters matter?

How do you hide a bass box so it’s unobtrusive?
How do you hide a bass box so it’s unobtrusive?

Wondering how to install and hide a bass box in your car? If so, be sure to check out our tutorial to see what the easiest ways are.

Replacement of series speakers in a modern car – what is worth knowing?
Replacement of series speakers in a modern car – what is worth knowing?

Want to know the best ways to replace your car’s stock speakers? Read our article!

What kind of work on the car can you do yourself?
What kind of work on the car can you do yourself?

Instead of calling a mechanic, you can fix the condition of your vehicle yourself. How

How to aesthetically install speakers in the car?
How to aesthetically install speakers in the car?

Aesthetic installation of speakers in the car is not an impossible task. However, it requires performing particular steps in the right order. Check how to do it!

Replacing standard speakers – step by step
Replacing standard speakers – step by step

If you feel it’s high time to change out your factory bland speakers for something high end, you couldn’t have come at a better time. Today we’ll show you how to replace your speakers!

What is buzzer – we explain!
What is buzzer – we explain!

Do you forget to turn off the lights in your car, open the door and then that annoying sound comes on? Find out what the buzzer is!

Enclosed speakers or open diaphragms? What will fit and where?
Enclosed speakers or open diaphragms? What will fit and where?

Which solution works better – built-in speakers or open membranes? We solve the eternal mystery of car audio systems!

What speakers to choose for a small vehicle?
What speakers to choose for a small vehicle?

Wondering what speaker to choose for a small car? Check out our suggestions!

How and where to mount a bass speaker? Suggestions and solutions
How and where to mount a bass speaker? Suggestions and solutions

There are several places where it is possible to install a bass speaker in your car. If you want to amp up the sound, check out the possibilities!

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